Can a Brow Lift Create More Symmetry?

It’s a sign of aging when your once-smooth forehead develops lines and wrinkles, and your brows start to shift downward, the loss of skin elasticity and muscle tone giving in to the unrelenting pull of gravity.
It’s not unusual, too, for the dips and sags to occur asymmetrically, so one brow sits higher than the other.
Dr. Dustin Heringer of Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale and Peoria, Arizona, has just the procedure to address the problems — a brow lift. And if you really want to rejuvenate the upper third of your face, he can do a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) at the same time.
But can the lift create more symmetry in your upper face? Here’s what the expert has to say.
Why a brow lift?
One of the problems with an aging forehead is its effect on how people view you. A sagging and/or heavily furrowed brow can make you look perpetually tired, worried, or even angry.
Some people’s genetics naturally lead to a heavier, thicker brow, which can give the appearance of a frown even when they feel happy. A brow lift directly addresses these issues, helping you enjoy a more naturally refreshed appearance as well as improving your self-confidence.
It’s important that you choose a surgeon, like Dr. Heringer, who’s certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Board-certified cosmetic surgeons are fellowship-trained in all manner of cosmetic surgery, including brow lift techniques, which means they are experts at performing the ideal brow lift to fit your face and your aesthetic goals.
It also means your procedure takes place in an accredited surgical facility that upholds the highest standards for safety so that you can rest easy.
Brow lift techniques
Dr. Heringer tailors how he performs the brow lift surgery to your unique anatomy and the extent of corrections he needs to perform to achieve the desired results. There are three primary techniques.
1. Endoscopic brow lift
Whenever possible, Dr. Heringer uses the endoscopic method for brow lift surgery, which is much less invasive than an open technique but can often achieve an equally desirable result. For an endoscopic brow lift, he makes a series of very short incisions (about three-quarters of an inch in length) just behind the hairline to hide the scars.
Then, he uses a special tiny camera and thin instruments inserted through the incisions to reposition the muscles and lift underlying forehead tissues. He also removes excess fat and tissue, as needed, to create a naturally more youthful brow.
2. Temporal or limited-incision brow lift
This technique involves slightly longer incisions than an endoscopic brow lift, and it’s most commonly used when the doctor is also performing a blepharoplasty. He makes one-inch-long incisions just above each temple, behind the hairline.
He works through these incisions to lift and reposition the tissues of the outer brow area, then works through the incisions created for an upper eyelid blepharoplasty, smoothing out frown lines by lifting the tissues between the eyebrows.
3. Coronal brow lift
Once the standard technique, the coronal brow lift is seldom used as cosmetic surgeons have transitioned to less-invasive techniques. Sometimes, though, it may be necessary to achieve a patient’s desired results.
This “open” technique involves a single, long incision made behind the hairline, running from one ear to the other. The doctor removes excess skin, fat, and tissue, and he repositions the remaining skin and brow muscles for a more youthful appearance.
Can a brow lift create more symmetry?
Absolutely. Cosmetic surgery is as much about aesthetics as it is about surgical technique. If you’re bothered by uneven brows, any techniques we’ve discussed can reposition the brows to be more symmetrical and pleasing.
It’s possible that following the surgery you may see some asymmetry, with one or both eyebrows appearing too high, but they usually even out during recovery. If you have persistent brow shape or position problems, you may find Botox® injections helpful, or you can go with additional surgery.
Do you have brows that can use more symmetry? Does a heavy brow make you look perpetually angry? We can help. Contact Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery by calling our nearest office.
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